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The word cold can have many different meanings depending on where you live in the US. I think we all know what bitter cold weather is and how it can cause cute little paws to get frost bite faster than…
It’s that time of year again! The leaves falling, the weather turning, and pumpkins…pumpkins everywhere! We know our pets love the Pumpkin Spice Lattes almost as much as we do…but if your pet is not a pumpkin lover, no worries,…
Lisa’s Take I wanted to send a letter out to all of our customers to provide some insight into all the buzz around DCM from newscasters and articles on major news publication sites. In July of 2018 the FDA stated…
It’s no secret that having a pet can be one of the greatest things in life. They can bring you joy, help keep you in shape, and teach you more about responsibility. They will cheer you up when you’re down…